Monday, April 30, 2018

That Middle School Life

I am now working as an assistant principal of a school serving grades 6-12. In this new role, I work primarily with the middle grade teachers, students, and parents.

I've been most surprised by how sweet, expressive, and lovable middle schoolers can be. I love their jokes, their excitement for the smallest things, their genuine appreciation for affirming words and gestures. I've still got a lot to learn about them, but they've definitely taught me about the power and wisdom that can come after only 10-14 years on this planet.

Middle schoolers still communicate with their parents, telling them everything that happens in a classroom and on the yard. As a result, we get lots of phone calls from parents demanding to know why certain things were said or done. I've substantially increased my communication with parents, calling them for everything so that they feel respected and informed.

Middle schoolers can also be bullies, teasing one another and causing hurt feelings. This requires a heightened level of awareness, response, and prevention from the adults on campus.

I find myself wanting to read more about the development of the 10-14 year old mind, so that I can better understand and work with my students...